Land Clearing
We Clear The Land For Your Project Site
Perhaps you are looking to build a new house or building, or maybe you just want those dead trees and brush cleared away. Let the dedicated staff of Farrugia Grading & Construction assist you today!
If you are in the planning stages of a residential or commercial project, you know that land clearing is the first step in that process. Before any type of building commences, the land must be cleared of all trees, brush, rocks, older buildings and anything else that may stand in the way of your plans. At Farrugia Grading & Construction, our knowledgeable contractors posses the expertise needed to provide you with the right site evaluation, plans for removal and lay out a timeline that fits with your planned project.
We offer commercial and residential excavation, land clearing, tree removal, land grading, and other related services. We keep you informed every step of the way to ensure you stay on track with any pre-determined plans or deadlines.
If you are beginning a project or know someone in need of land clearing services, please have them contact us directly at 252-732-6395 or fil out our free request for a quote today!